Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Ninteenth Blog - We Wish You a Merry Christmas

It's Christmas time again! Though, Christmas isn't my most favorite holiday (I prefer the new year), I'm getting hyped up with the Christmas Spirit. I've alternately painted my nail with red and green (the color of this holiday). I wish that I can post a picture of my feet here so that I can show you because it's just so pretty. But I don't know how to take an artistic photo of my feet. :)) Anyway, I'm just dropping by to wish everyone a HAPPY HOLIDAY! After my last examination tomorrow, I'll be leaving for our family vacation! Woohoo!

In addition to celebrating Christmas, I've decided to learn the song We Wish You a Merry Xmas on my violin. It's a Christmas Carol, I'm sure, that we always hear whenever this time comes around. 

Oh, sorry for the bad lighting of the video. Anyways, I hope you enjoy! Merry Christmas Everyone! This is a time to be good and feel good. :D

"From now on our troubles will be out of sight. Have yourself a merry Christmas now..." - Meet Me in St. Louis

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Eighteenth Blog - Goodreads

The month ends today, so I have to make a new entry... Hmm, I don't know what to say to the world this month really... So, I'll just have to say what I've been busy about this month:

I've been addicted to!

It's a sight for bookworms like me! I love it so much! You can rate books you've read there. Talk to authors (the live ones, of course!). So far, I've talked to two: Samantha Sotto & Steven Scaffardi. Look them up. They're both great authors. :)  And you can do many more. :D

Oh, and my goal is to win a free giveaway! Yup, you read it right. FREE! is giving free books to those lucky readers out there. I want to win a free nice-to-read book. My sister says that there's a greater chance of winning when you've reviewed a lot of books. That's why I've been reviewing books I've read for the past few weeks.  I hope I win soon. I envy my sister because she has won one! I'm so jealous. And you know what? She doesn't even like reading that much. *sigh* Why is life so unfair?

Anyway, here's the link to my goodreads account. Maybe, I don't know, you're interested in reading my reviews. :)) 

"I declare after all there is no enjoyment like reading! How much sooner one tires of any thing than of a book! -- When I have a house of my own, I shall be miserable if I have not an excellent library." - Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice

"The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go." - Dr. Seuss, I Can read With My Eyes Shut!

P.S. I forgot to tell you that I've won one book the next I posted this blog! Isn't that amazing?! Though, I've forgotten the title. I think it has an almond in it, LOL. I believe that I'll be receiving the book six to eight weeks prior to the deadline of the entry. So excited! :)

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Seventeenth Blog - Question Again

Aunt Irma (reference from IT Crowd) has visited me this month again. And every time she visits, there's this question that keeps bothering me. It's gross - a lot of people thinks so, but my curiosity finds it interesting.

"Can you use menstrual blood for a blood-typing test?"

So I type my question to the all-knowing google and here are the answers I've gathered:

- No 

-Yes it could. All you need is red blood cells to react with the reagents of the test. It doesn't really matter where you get the blood from. The only problem I can think of is the blood clots might make it difficult to read the agglutination on the card.

-Menstrual blood is a shedding of the uterus -- not the same as "regular blood" however, yes it can be used for most blood typing.

Some says no but most answers are indeed "Yes, you can use menstrual blood for a blood-typing test but it will be harder to examine because of its other components."

There. My curiosity is satisfied once more. Thank you internet! Special thanks to google for providing the links above. :))

"Gradually my whole concept of time changed until I thought of a month as having twenty-five days of humanness and five others when I might just as well have been an animal in a steel trap." - Florence King

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Sixteenth Blog - Whatever Works

As I'm writing this blog entry, I'm watching Woody Allen's Whatever Works. It is just like other Woody Allen films with the quirky (or should I say crazy) mannerisms, actions, and thoughts coming from each character in the story. I love how every film of Woody Allen captures the interaction of people with emotional baggage and personality disorders. With that, he's a genius and a madman. :))

I really don't know what to say but I have to admit that I'm fascinated by how people mind's works and how it affects their behavior. It's mind-boggling yet entertaining at the same time especially when other people do something defiant with our concept of being normal. I just hope that someday, I will be able to, I don't know, understand even the half of it. 

Anyway, I'm getting of topic. Let's go back to Woody Allen's Whatever Works. It's about a cynical old man (you know the kind who has his theories about everything and somewhat neurotic too) who marries a sweet, cheerful, naive twenty one year old girl. The complication starts, or should I say, it gets more complicated when the parents of the girl comes in to the picture. Hmm, actually, I don't have much to say, sorry about that... but it's a nice movie. (Some people may find it boring but I like it.) The characters in the film just do whatever works for them even if it's out of the norm or something. It has a funny ending too. Oh, for the ladies out there, here's one reason why you should see the film: 

Henry Cavill as Randy
"See, I'm the only one who sees the whole picture. That's what they mean by genius." - Woody Allen

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Fifteenth Blog - Happier

"Are you happier than you were one year ago? Yes or no, be honest with yourelf." That's what the tweet reads. Just had to type it again because I can't read it in the image. :))

So, to answer the question honestly: Yes, I am happier than I was a year ago. The year 2011 is not really one of my best years. I just graduated from college and I was undergoing making life-changing decisions. Other people, like my mother and sister, want me to find a job and immediately start working. On the other hand, as I've said, for the past four years, to my parents, to my classmates, to my teachers, and to others, that I want to take medicine. They must have thought that I was joking or something. So what should I do? The question that ran and ran again in my mind is: "I know what I want to do. But what do I need to do?" Do I need to please my mother and sister? And I did - at first. I looked for jobs and started attending interviews. But I wasn't happy. During my very first interview, I think - no scratch that - I did self-sabotage. I passed the battery test and first interview. So, that was good, I thought. And during the final interview, there's me and only another applicant. Oh, we're applying for the position of HR Assistant. As we were waiting, I'm thinking what it would be like to work in that company I was applying for. I didn't like what I imagined. The place is dreadful! It's so quiet, restraint and boring. I'm not meant for that kind of life. In five years, I didn't see myself working in that company. So, when the employer asked me if she called and gave me the job, would I accept it. You know what my answer was? "I'll think about it." The self-sabotaging didn't end there. While waiting for the result, the other applicant who was so nice to me, even gave me a biscuit. But in return, I vomited at her! I was so self-conflicted that it affected my biological aspect. That is one of the most embarrassing moments in my life. The other applicant didn't get angry, or at least didn't show anger. After that, I went home - feeling tired (but relieved).

Anyway, after a few apprehending months or was that weeks, my mother finally agreed to my taking a medical degree. I didn't talk to her and I was hostile to her. I was sulking in my bed. I don't have a room of my own. But in the end, she agreed. And I continued reviewing for NMAT that was scheduled December last year. That's when I looked for a part-time job: Freelance Writer. See, I do compromises. :D

In conclusion (what's this? an essay? XD), I am happier now than last year. Because I have little certainty on the path I'm taking for the rest of my life. And I got what I want. :)) Certainty makes us feel secured so it helps in our happiness. However, I admit that it's sad sometimes, because I keep feeling doubt but then I have to look at the big picture: I am a doctor, that's my purpose! I won't give up! :)

"Sometimes, it gets frustrating to see that my goal is just a tiny seed right now; but having a vision of what I want it to become keeps me motivated to just go for it without giving up." The Happiness Project

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Fourteenth Blog - Missed Blog

I'm sad... :( I missed an entry blog for the month of July. It's not like I have a deadline and it's not even like others are reading my blog. But what I have in here is the proof of my commitment. This blog-thing is supposed to show that I know how to commit on matters I decided to do. I've been very busy studying (the subjects I need for MY medical degree!) but that's no excuse. It's not. I really should learn how to find time for this kind of thing... 

"It's better late than never. However, never late is better." :))

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Thirteenth Blog - John 3:16

Ages ago I read something amazing in my quiet time. It's that the verse John 3:16 is God's miniature Bible. You want to know why? Here's why... :)

 - God - the greatest lover
 - so loved - the greatest degree
 - that He gave - the greatest act
 - His only begotten Son - the greatest gift
 - that whoever believes - the greatest simplicity
 - in Him - the greatest person
 - should not perish - the greatest promise
 - but - the greatest difference
 - have - the greatest certainty
 - everlasting life - the greatest possesion

Now, isn't that amazing - how one verse can tell so much... :D

I love God! :)

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Twelfth blog - Fusiform Gyrus

This months blog is a trivial matter. Well, it depends. For those in the medical field, it's an important matter. Anyway, I'm going to introduce you to one of my favorite parts of the human brain: the fusiform gyrus

Fusiform Gyrus
The fusiform gyrus is part of the temporal lobe. (The temporal lobe is a part of the cerebral cortex in either hemisphere of the brain lying inside the temples of the head.) It's like a computer loaded with a terabyte memory. (Have I used that term right? XD) And it's that part of the brain that allows us to recognize or distinguish one face among the literally thousand of faces that we know. Amazing, right? :)

Hmm, let's see. Try picturing the following people: Albert Einstein, Beethoven, Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe, John Lennon, your favorite teacher, your parents, your friends, your first crush... Done? You've just used your fusiform gyrus. ;)

The human brain is a most unusual intsrument of elegant and as yet unknown capacity. Stuart Seaton

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Eleventh Blog - Happiness

This month, I have started reading Gretchen Rubin's The Happiness Project. I'm still at the first part of the book, but it has made me reflect on some aspects of my life which need improving. You know, it's a very good book that inspires you to be happy. (In my case, to be happier.) It's a book that can help you straighten your life. And unlike other inspirational books, The Happiness Project suggests that you can find happiness in your own home. You don't have to go somewhere far (like in Eat Pray Love (I also love that book!)) You can find happiness in the things you already have. I recommend it. ;)

Gretchen Rubin's TWELVE COMMANDMENTS (for a happy life)

1. Be Gretchen. (Be yourself.)
2. Let it go.
3. Act the way I want to feel.
4. Do it now.
5. Be polite and be fair.
6. Enjoy the process.
7. Spend out.
8. Identify the problem.
9. Lighten up.
10. Do what ought to be done.
11. No calculation.
12. There is only love.

Now, Gretchen Rubin's twelve commandments inspired me to make my own, well, rules in life. Hmm, some of them I've been following my whole life and some are established for me to have a better life.

1. Make God your "person". (I'm a believer!)
2. Be a deluded moron. Believe in the impossible. (I also advocate The Secret.)
3. Embrace boredom. (And you'll never be bored.)
4. Always bring comedy to life. (I'm not a fan of real drama. I think it's intoxicating.)
5. Don't complain and don't expect too much either. (So true!)
6. Let it be. (Like my favorite Beatle said: ♪ There will be answer, let it be!)
7. When you want things done right, do it yourself. (It's recommended for people who strives for perfection.)
8. Accept rejection. (It's God's redirection.)
9. Always see the best in people. (Don't judge fast.)
10. A strong commitment will achieve good results. (Never give up!)
11. Get angry only to those people who deserve your love. (If they're not deserving, don't waste your time.) 

Working on my happiness wouldn't just make me happier, it would boost the happiness of the people around me. The Happiness Project :) 

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Tenth Blog - Dreams

For the past few days, my dreams had been - vivid. I can't tell you exactly all the details; but it involves being in a new place, feeling confused and the feeling of looking for something. Wow, I suppose I just told you what I think about my dreams. :)) Anyway, I'm telling this because, I'd like to discuss what I know about dreams - the dreams that involve the act of sleeping and not the dreams that pertains to aspirations or goals. But I guess, you know that by now. :)

So, what do I know about dreams?

First, I read in one of Paulo Coelho's book (I forgot which one, maybe it's The Alchemist? hihi, I'm not sure! XD) that dreams are gifts from God. I think what Coelho is trying to tell here that dreams should be taken in importance. It has to mean something right? What you dream might be a prophecy, well, maybe it's not important for the sake of the whole world but it can be important to your own little world. :)

Second, I know that dreams are essential in Psychology. You dream because of your brain and your brain functions the way your psyche (soul/whole being) works. So, it means that dreaming is a way of understanding one self. Sigmund Freud specialized in dream interpretation. He believed that dreams are repressed wishes and it reflects our deepest desires. 
Yes, dreams can be symbolic. And it is hard to interpret dreams through symbolism because not all meanings can apply to all people. Hmm, let's take for example a color. For some red can mean love or passion but for some it can mean aggression or blood (violence). 

However, sometimes, we don't need to look for symbolic objects in our dreams. Sometimes, all we need to identify is what we are feeling while we are dreaming. Emotions are vital. It helps a lot in understanding our disposition. Just take in for example what I've written above. Right now, I know that I'm taking a new step in life. It's all new to me that's why I'm feeling confused and I know that I'm searching for something. Though about that, I'm still wondering what... 

As an advice, try asking yourself whenever you wake from a vivid dream: "Why am I having this dream now?"

Third, I know that dreams are very confusing! Sometimes you just have to let the dreams be. Don't overthink things... :))

"Dreams are answers to questions we haven't figured out how to ask." - X Files ;)

Monday, February 20, 2012

Ninth Blog - The Beatles

This blog is dedicated to those beatle-fans out there! :D (pause) Wow, I've waited many weeks to do this blog and now I don't know where to begin. :)) So, maybe I'll just start by saying I LOVE THE BEATLES!!! Listening to their music makes me happy. During these tough times, listening, singing and playing Beatle-songs are few things that gives me genuine happiness. And I may have been teased by other people about this, but I don't care. As long as it makes me happy, I'll keep playing beatle-songs again and again in my playlist. ;)

The Beginning:
All John Lennon need was love.
(Nowhere Boy)
Like any other, The Beatles started because of a dream. I believe that it was John Lennon's dream of being like Elvis Presley that started it all. At that time, it seemed like it was a foolish dream. Many had thought that he was destined to failure. But John Lennon proved them wrong. He formed a band called The Quarrymen. First, Lennon was singing with his school friends. Later, Paul Mccartney auditioned. Mccartney was from another school but because of his great talents, Lennon accepted him. Their friendship strengthened and this helped in their musical career. As we all know, there are many Lennon-Mccartney songs that changed the course history of music. (Ugh, they were so close!!! Why do they have to fight and break-up?!)  Then, George Harrison joined. He was recommended by Mccartney. They go to the same school together, I think. After many years, they found Ringo Starr. And the fab-four was born! See, dreams do come true! ;) (Oh, try watching Nowhere Boy. If you want a more detailed knowledge about the development of Lennon & Mccartney's friendship and their musical partnership. It's highly recommended!)

"Is nowhere full of geniuses, sir? Because then I do probably belong there." John Lennon

The Beatles Movies:
A Hard Day's Night (1964)
This movie is my most favorite beatle-movie! :) According to wiki, it's a mockumentary (fictitious documentary). The plot is simple but I just love how this movie captures the pure essence of the beatlemania. Plus, this movie is high-larious! I love their witty remarks at each other. And I especially love the part in the end where it shows how people love The Beatles. It's just that I can relate with them. xD

Help! (1965)
Many adored this film, and it goes without saying that I am one of them! It's colored; has a well-thought plot, very cultured; high budget-production; new great beatle-songs; and  funnier scenes. I laughed so hard while watching this film. I love this film! I liked A Hard Day's Night better because I liked black-and-white movies more. :))

Magical Mystery Tour (1967)
I don't like to admit it but I'm kind of disappointed in this film. Well, not because I thought that this movie is plot-less like others think, on the contrary I like the plot of the movie, but I'm disappointed that they didn't include all the songs in their Magical Mystery Tour album like Strawberry Fields Forever, Penny Lane and When I'm Sixty-Four. But if your a hard-core beatle-fan, watch the movie! ;)

Yellow Submarine (1968)
Unfortunately, I haven't got the chance to watch the movie yet. I don't know the reason why. But I hear that this movie is critically acclaimed. :D

Let it be (1969)
Hmm, this movie just makes me sad. This is the last time where we can see the fab-four singing their great songs together. This movie is also documentary-ish (or it's a documentary, I'm not sure, sorry). The plot shows how they came up with the songs in their Let it be album. Though, not all songs shown in here are included in the album; some of the songs were in the album, Abbey Road like Ringo Starr's Octopus's Garden and Maxwell's Silver Hammer.

The Beatles Cartoon TV:
The greatness of The Beatles can also be catered to the young and young at heart people. The Beatles Cartoon TV ran for three seasons. I must say that it is entertaining. This is also recommended if you like hearing the beatle-songs.

The Beatles Music:
The Beatles made 12 (or 13 or 16, sorry not sure!) studio albums, consisting of 201 songs all in all. For more details ask wiki :)) Unlike Elvis Presley or I dare say Madonna, the fab-four didn't last  that long. All they need was the 8 or 10 years they had together to make themselves a legend! Aren't they great? They are!
For those hard-core beatle-fan out there, here's a treat. You can download a complete compilation of all the beatle-songs! Amazing, right? I was so happy when I got hold of a copy. And who am I to take all the happiness? I'm here to share it. So enjoy! ;) (If the file has been removed due to copyright infringement, you can always contact me here so that I can send it to you via e-mail.)

"And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make." The Beatles ;)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Eight Blog - Question again

For this blog, I originally planned to talk about The Beatles, but then something happened... not to me but to my two other friends... I always find myself in the middle when it comes to (hmm, what's the right word for this?) misunderstandings among other people. I'm like the peace maker or something. And it's a hard thing to do. You don't know what to do. And your afraid that something you say will be wrong; that it might hurt the feelings of the one side, or other side or worse both sides. But I guess, it's much better than being in the shoes of those people who misunderstood, hehe, so I should stop complaining, right? :)) Anyway, I won't bore you with the details of their misunderstanding. And I'm not the right person to tell anyways. I just hope that they straighten out their misunderstanding. And I hope that you'll hope with me? Wow, what kind of sentence was that? I'm not sure if that is grammatically correct. LOL

Anyhow, here's the question: "Friendship like everything else are not immune to change. The question is... How do you keep a question together when you're lives are pulling you apart?

I'm still not sure what's the right answer here, but then again, I think there's no right answer for this kind of question right? The answer would depend on the situation, right? :)

"When life pulls you apart, you have to work to stay close together. By putting yourself in each other's shoes, by reminding each other of who you were and who you are becoming. By remembering that despite all the changes that come, there are some other things that will always remain the same." - Being Erica

P.S. I promise I'll talk about The Beatles next time. ;)