Sunday, April 29, 2012

Eleventh Blog - Happiness

This month, I have started reading Gretchen Rubin's The Happiness Project. I'm still at the first part of the book, but it has made me reflect on some aspects of my life which need improving. You know, it's a very good book that inspires you to be happy. (In my case, to be happier.) It's a book that can help you straighten your life. And unlike other inspirational books, The Happiness Project suggests that you can find happiness in your own home. You don't have to go somewhere far (like in Eat Pray Love (I also love that book!)) You can find happiness in the things you already have. I recommend it. ;)

Gretchen Rubin's TWELVE COMMANDMENTS (for a happy life)

1. Be Gretchen. (Be yourself.)
2. Let it go.
3. Act the way I want to feel.
4. Do it now.
5. Be polite and be fair.
6. Enjoy the process.
7. Spend out.
8. Identify the problem.
9. Lighten up.
10. Do what ought to be done.
11. No calculation.
12. There is only love.

Now, Gretchen Rubin's twelve commandments inspired me to make my own, well, rules in life. Hmm, some of them I've been following my whole life and some are established for me to have a better life.

1. Make God your "person". (I'm a believer!)
2. Be a deluded moron. Believe in the impossible. (I also advocate The Secret.)
3. Embrace boredom. (And you'll never be bored.)
4. Always bring comedy to life. (I'm not a fan of real drama. I think it's intoxicating.)
5. Don't complain and don't expect too much either. (So true!)
6. Let it be. (Like my favorite Beatle said: ♪ There will be answer, let it be!)
7. When you want things done right, do it yourself. (It's recommended for people who strives for perfection.)
8. Accept rejection. (It's God's redirection.)
9. Always see the best in people. (Don't judge fast.)
10. A strong commitment will achieve good results. (Never give up!)
11. Get angry only to those people who deserve your love. (If they're not deserving, don't waste your time.) 

Working on my happiness wouldn't just make me happier, it would boost the happiness of the people around me. The Happiness Project :) 

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