Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Sixteenth Blog - Whatever Works

As I'm writing this blog entry, I'm watching Woody Allen's Whatever Works. It is just like other Woody Allen films with the quirky (or should I say crazy) mannerisms, actions, and thoughts coming from each character in the story. I love how every film of Woody Allen captures the interaction of people with emotional baggage and personality disorders. With that, he's a genius and a madman. :))

I really don't know what to say but I have to admit that I'm fascinated by how people mind's works and how it affects their behavior. It's mind-boggling yet entertaining at the same time especially when other people do something defiant with our concept of being normal. I just hope that someday, I will be able to, I don't know, understand even the half of it. 

Anyway, I'm getting of topic. Let's go back to Woody Allen's Whatever Works. It's about a cynical old man (you know the kind who has his theories about everything and somewhat neurotic too) who marries a sweet, cheerful, naive twenty one year old girl. The complication starts, or should I say, it gets more complicated when the parents of the girl comes in to the picture. Hmm, actually, I don't have much to say, sorry about that... but it's a nice movie. (Some people may find it boring but I like it.) The characters in the film just do whatever works for them even if it's out of the norm or something. It has a funny ending too. Oh, for the ladies out there, here's one reason why you should see the film: 

Henry Cavill as Randy
"See, I'm the only one who sees the whole picture. That's what they mean by genius." - Woody Allen

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