Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Seventeenth Blog - Question Again

Aunt Irma (reference from IT Crowd) has visited me this month again. And every time she visits, there's this question that keeps bothering me. It's gross - a lot of people thinks so, but my curiosity finds it interesting.

"Can you use menstrual blood for a blood-typing test?"

So I type my question to the all-knowing google and here are the answers I've gathered:

- No 

-Yes it could. All you need is red blood cells to react with the reagents of the test. It doesn't really matter where you get the blood from. The only problem I can think of is the blood clots might make it difficult to read the agglutination on the card.

-Menstrual blood is a shedding of the uterus -- not the same as "regular blood" however, yes it can be used for most blood typing.

Some says no but most answers are indeed "Yes, you can use menstrual blood for a blood-typing test but it will be harder to examine because of its other components."

There. My curiosity is satisfied once more. Thank you internet! Special thanks to google for providing the links above. :))

"Gradually my whole concept of time changed until I thought of a month as having twenty-five days of humanness and five others when I might just as well have been an animal in a steel trap." - Florence King

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