Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Seventh Blog - The Secret

I've chosen between two topics for this month's blog, The Secret or The Beatles. But obviously I decided to go with one of the important keys to a great life. Maybe I'll talk about The Beatles next month.. :)

So The Secret? hmm... Have you heard about Rhonda Byrne? She wrote about The Secret. It's a self-help/inspirational book. It was a film first though. The Secret talks about a certain kind of a lifestyle where  this lifestyle helps you get whatever you want in life. It may sound crazy but I myself have used this secret. So, the logic here is that I may appear crazy?! and you probably wouldn't believe me. :)) But seriously, THE SECRET WORKS!!! ;)

This secret is the Law of Attraction. Basically, you get what you want by VISUALIZING in your mind what you really really want. You align your thoughts with your emotions (by aligning, they should be the in the same frequency or category, if you were thinking of a happy thought, then you should feel happiness) and then, God or the universe (whichever you like to believe) will conspire to make what's in your mind come true. Magical, isn't it? :) So the key here is to really think hard of what you really want. To not let yourself waver and simply have faith and just believe. Do you get what I'm saying? If not, then buy the book or watch the film. LOL, you'll understand it better that way. :P

If you can't buy copy, there's always a free copy in the internet. Here's a link of The Secret. And to avoid copyright infringement, I do not own this copy. :)

And right now, I am visualizing in my mind that I'm a doctor. A great one at that. :D I just took the admission test for a medical degree and my chances are 50-50. In some parts like mathematics, verbal proficiency and social science, I'm sure of my answers. But the other parts like physics and chemistry, I don't know. And I badly want a high percentile to get in a prominent medical school and have a scholarship. I cannot emphasize enough how much I need one. My mother is not that really supportive in my dream of becoming a doctor because of a slight financial problem. I just beat her with my stubbornness, that's why she agreed to try. See there? That's the work of the secret! xD

I have this fear inside me that I'm trying to shove away but that is impossible. So, what I do is have the right set of attitude in life. I use the secret. You'll see, I'm going to be a great doctor. I promise you! So why don't you try it. It never hurts to try, right? :) Well, that's not entirely true. If you try something like drugs or alcohol, you might get addicted and it could lead to some serious troubles. :)) But The Secret is an entirely different matter, so you get what I'm trying to say, right? So just believe! :)

"Once you begin to understand and truly master your thoughts and feelings, that's when you see how you create your own reality. That's where your freedom is, that's where your power is." - Marci Shimoff

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Sixth Blog - Pressure

So, my sixth blog is about PRESSURE!!! Because I am currently under it. Why? Well, if you have read my previous blogs, then you know that I am aspiring to be a doctor... I dream big! ;) Anyway, to be a doctor, or to go to a medical school here in the Philippines, one has to take the NMAT (National Medical Admission Test) first. I think in the US, it is MCAT. I watched it in Grey's Anatomy. That is a great series by the way! :D 

So, this NMAT is a two part test, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. The first part consists of what I like to call the IQ test part: Verbal Proficiency, Inductive Reasoning, Quantitative and Perceptual Acuity. So verbal analogies, reading comprehension, math equations and the drawings you see on IQ tests are included. And the second part is purely academical. The four major sciences: Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Social Science. Sounds hard right? Well, it is! But it is easy to those who are natural geniuses and hardworking students who like to study. And I really have to study hard. Yup, that's my life for now. Study, study, study... This may seem like I am a plane old boring square. But don't judge me yet. I still got something that makes me interesting. :P

I am going to take the NMAT in December 4. It's just a few days away. That's why I'm under pressure. And I think this pressure is eating me alive!!! @-@ I can't think straight. I find it hard to sleep now. And I'm the  kind of person who loves sleeping! My friends even say that I'm like Sleeping Beauty. :P The song Under Pressure by the Queens is going on and on in my head. And I act crazy, well, more crazier than usual. xD Sometimes, when I think about this big test, I roll from side to side on my bed. I once tried it on the floor but I didn't like the feeling. The floor is hard and cold. The bed is more comfy! :)) 

As a psych major, I advised myself on this problem that I'm currently going into. And that advise: STOP WORRYING!!! All the worry will just make you an idiot! It made me one. But right now, I'm trying to be my superior self again by not letting myself be eaten by the pressure and worrying. This is one hard step. You can't just take all the worry with a snap of a finger. Or can you? Maybe, by hypnosis? LOL. But for ordinary people who couldn't afford therapy, I think the best way is to pray to what you believe in, either God, the universe or a someone you love. This helps. :) But don't take all the pressure away. Pressure helps, well, the right amount of pressure helps. Because with the right amount of pressure, you can go beyond your limit. Pressure is a double-edged sword: It can make you crazy or better. :)

"Pressure makes diamonds." - General George Patton

Friday, October 21, 2011

Fifth Blog - Question

My fifth blog is going to be made out of laziness... :P I'm going to leave you with a question that's been bugging me since my aneeki wrote some random quotes in the top or ceiling (I don't know what to call it! XD) of my bed (by the way, our bed is a double deck). 

And the question? "Are you willing to give up something you really want now for something you've wanted your whole life? Are you willing to spend less time on yourself so you can spend time with someone you really love? In short, are you willing to make sacrifices?"

I'm still not sure how to answer this. And I won't even dare to answer. Because when it comes to hypothetical questions like this, our hypothetical answer would sometimes be different from the things we would really do in reality. And sacrifice is a big word! :P

As an end note, I'll quote something from Scrubs.

"When you start med school, they warn you that you're gonna have to make sacrifices. Like giving up something you really want now for something you've wanted your whole life, or spending less time on yourself so you can spend time with someone you really love. At some point, you might even have to give up your own sense of safety and well-being. But after a while, it doesn't feel like your giving up anything at all." ;)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Fourth Blog - The Middle Child

So, for my fourth blog, I've been wracking my brains to come up with a great idea - not just any idea but an idea that will come from MY mind, :)) And the thing which came up was (as you know from the title) the middle child. In psychology, we have studied that birth order affects the psychological development (or in a much easier term) the personality of a person. I'm pretty sure that it was Alfred Adler who came up with the Birth Order Theory. Also, because I'm a middle child! Anyway, let me explain a bit about this theory to test if I can still remember what I learned from school. XD

If I remember correctly, there are five types or classification in the Birth Order Theory: the only child, the first-born, the second-born, the last-born and the middle child. (Phew, I only spend a few minutes remembering these! So, a YEY for me!) 

-The Only Child is somewhat spoiled and self-centered. This is due to the fact that he is used to always being the one who gets the attention in the family. So, this becomes a problem when he goes out to socialize with other people. The upside? Being an only child can lead to a high level of intelligence. ;)

-The First-born takes the role of parents sometimes when the parents are out or not around. This is because parents always assigned the first-borns with this kind of responsibility. So, they automatically take the role. First-borns become great leaders or authoritarian figure. However, the siblings see this as being bossy. (That's what I see in my older sister! LOL) 

-The Second-born? I don't remember much about the second-borns, but I think they tend to become competitive because they are in dire to get as much attention as the first-borns. (I don't know if this applies to all.)

-The Last-born, like the only child, is spoiled. Last-borns are used to getting their ways always. The upside is that they are charming, right? XD

-The Middle Child is always the one left out but is resigned to the position in the family. Adler said that middle children don't care. This invisibility makes them more creative; and this help them to think outside of the box. This is because of the less pressure they get from parents. 

Like my case, I am a middle child. We are five siblings, so obviously whichever end you look at it, (from the oldest to youngest or vice versa) I always end up being in the middle. See, the picture below? :)

This is the only picture I found with the five of us in
the correct order. This was taken years, years ago.
Aren't we cute? :))

What Adler said about the middle child is true. I learned to play the violin. And you have to know that I'm the first in our whole family who learned this kind of instrument. Usually, it's the piano or guitar. In this situation, I thought outside the box! :) Also, I'm planning to take Medicine. Yes, someday, my name will have those two additional letters, M.D.! According to my grandmother, there has never been a doctor in the Rotol family. So, I made history! Or will make history, WHEN I became one! :D

And yes, I do admit that sometimes I feel neglected. I'm not saying this because I'm paranoid. My parents forget things about me, and sometimes, nope, make that most of the times, these are very important things; that I have to keep constantly reminding them that I need to do this or I need to have that. But I DON'T care. Maybe, this is because I'm used to this kind of situation. I say something. They forget. And I say it again. And voila, I get what I need! When I think about it now, it's not that hard. All it takes is practice and ACCEPTANCE. I don't hold a grudge. In fact, I'd like to thank them for it. Because what they did only made me realize that I want to be a better person. Being a middle child, made me an achiever! I became the type of person who doesn't want to settle for less. I want to BE something out of the ordinary. I want to be the best of what I can be. And I have all this FREEDOM to choose whoever I want to be. So, thank you, parents, for the bad parenting! haha, just kidding! But seriously, thanks! :D

For my end note, I have found it hard to look for a quote that will best suit the idea of this blog. So I have to create my own words of wisdom. :))

"Never let your background simply define who you are. In the first place, the choice is always yours. Think hard and change what you want to change. If you can't change it, then the only left thing to do is accept it." ;) 

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Third Blog - Death and Life

So my third blog was inspired by the Korean TV series, 49 Days. It's a good show. If you want to have this moving feeling I'm having right now, watch it. ;)The story mainly involves death and life. And that's what I'm here to talk about. :) (Oh, and this will be quick because my sister, Mesha, will still use the laptop. xD)

 49 Days

Life: Enjoy life. There's plenty of time to be dead.
Among the many quotations about life, this one's my favorite. Maybe, because I can relate to this one. Going back to 49 Days, the protagonist lived a full life because she was able to give SINCERE love to her family and friends and in return she was SINCERELY loved back by those people. Isn't that beautiful? :) And that is the best way to enjoy life. Give love and be loved in return. It's the greatest thing you'll ever learn, according to the movie, Moulin Rouge. ("The greatest thing you'll ever learn is to love and be loved in return.") The protagonist knew that she was dying, so she gave all her best to show the people she loves what she truly feels for them. And in the end, she lived a full life.

When I was a child, I used to be a crybaby. The simplest thing could cause tears in my eyes. However, people who know me by now will find that hard to believe. Because right now, I am the cynical optimist. I am a Pollyanna. The person who always smiles. Sometimes, I even think if I am just delusional for believing that everything will turn out the way I want. But it never hurts to hope, right? :P Anyway, the point is, there was one point in my life when I just got tired of crying and being sad. So I just became happy. And now, I am a robot programmed to be happy all the time! :))

Death: You're not going away from home but you are going home.
This is my point of view when it comes to death. I think this is the best way to think about this very deeply grieving issue. But this doesn't mean that I'm not scared to die. Of course, I AM SCARED! I mean, there must be something wrong with me if I'm NOT, right? I still have many things I want to achieve so I'm not prepared to die yet. But having that point of view, lessens the fear of dying. When we die, we are not really leaving our home, we are just going back home to God where we truly belong. :D 

In addition to this, I have decided to be a donor. Consider this as one last generous act I do in life. :)
Go to this sight if you decided to be one as well: (note: for Filipinos only, hehe)

As an end note, I'll be leaving a quotation from 49 Days: "This today of yours is the precious tomorrow of someone who passed away yesterday." :)

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Second Blog - Crush

So, for my second blog, I'll be writing about those people who captured my ♥. Since I don't have a love life - YET, you will be reading about my hollywood crushes! Embrace yourselves for this totally lame idea for a blog, haha. But maybe, I could help you see some eye-candy. ;)

note: I came up with this idea, just this morning. I woke up with a smile on my face because I had a great dream, and that dream inspired me. :P So, I maybe not include some of my crushes, but on this list are the celebrities who surely made me go "Waaaaaahhhhhhhh!"

Top 7: Harry Potter
Who wouldn't fall in love with the boy who lived? the chosen one? HARRY POTTER?! Many adores this guy. He is simply adorable (especially when he was younger, during the first two films of HP). Addition to his cuteness is his lovely British accent. Whenever I hear him speak, I can't seem to wipe the smile on my face! :))

Top 6: Gordo of Lizzie Mcguire 
I was a big Lizzie Mcguire fan! And like any other avid Lizzie Mcguire fans, I once fell in love with the nice-smart-best friend type of guy named Gordo. Aside from his personality, isn't he cute too? I wish that I had a friend, nope, a boyfriend like Gordo! haha :D

Top 5: Chuck Bass of Gossip Girl
Now, next on the list is Chuck Bass, the Dark Knight. At first, he seems to be a bad guy, but deep inside he really is a good guy! He's just misunderstood and this adds to his charm! When you watch Gossip Girl, (I'm warning you) prepare yourselves because you won't be able to stop to fall for this guy. He got it all: looks, a good heart and money! hahahaha. It would be cool to date a guy like him. Plus, Ed Westwick is a super hot eye-candy! ;)

Top 4: Finn Hudson of Glee
Oh, I'm also a certified Gleek! :) That's why I can't help myself not to like Finn Hudson. No words can explain my admiration for this guy! I simply love him! :") Watch Glee to see his awesomeness! :D

Top 3:  Chad Dylan Cooper of Sonny with a Chance
I never ever thought that I could like Sterling Knight. Heck, I didn't even like him at first. But since I watched Sonny with a Chance, I became addicted Chad Dylan Cooper!!! I don't know if it is because of hypnotism. You see, his face was everywhere on the show, as in literally EVERYWHERE! The show was designed for us to like him! Anyway, you will fall in love with his confidence (which is in the verge of narcissism! XD). And how funny he was in the show is a plus. He's cute as well. :) 

Top 2: David Archuleta
Now, do I have to explain why I love David Archuleta? hahaha. Ever since he went out on American Idol, he captured millions of hearts (including mine ♥). He already went here in the Philippines three times. And it's just sad that I still can't meet him in person. Though, on his second visit here, I heard him sing live. I just wasn't able to see him. So, I guess, there's still a YEY for me! I promised myself that I will have my picture taken with this guy someday! :D

Top 1: Zachary Levi
Zachary Levi is at the top of my list because he has it all. He's a great actor.  He is very funny. He sings. You can hear his voice on the Disney movie, Tangled. (I love that movie!) He is soooooo handsome! His charm on screen is irresistible. He is a christian; so him being a good person is given. And he is a NERD! I like nerdy guys! :)  I give him a standing ovation for being proud. I just love him! :D

As an end note, I'll be leaving you a quotation. I think these words of wisdom will be my thing from now own. So an anonymous said that: "It takes a minute to have a crush on someone, an hour to like someone and a day to love someone. But it takes a lifetime to forget someone." ;)

Friday, June 17, 2011

First Blog - Assurance of a Dreamer

For my very first blog here in blogspot (or, I'm going to show you one of my talents. And that is *drum roll, please! :D* writing poems! I know it's not that impressive anymore. People all over the world can right verses which rhyme, if they try, right? But I hope you'll like it anyway. :) I just want this first blog to matter; you know, the kind that can  inspire others. Hmm, as a Psychology graduate, I have the moral obligation to care, to help and to change other people (but only the ones who are in need of changing, =>). That's why I'm doing this. That's my goal. Maybe, I can accomplish it. Who knows? I'll be ecstatic if I can help even one person! :D So here it goes:
Assurance of a Dreamer

Losing one thing I've treasured,
Wants me to be reassured,
That all bad things will be cured,
And that one thing is for sure.
I want myself to believe,
Things I want the most conceives.
The things I want to achieve,
Someday, somehow, I'll receive.
How much sadder it may get,
I just have to comprehend.
There are things which come to end,
But joy will surely transcend.
So even things lost in sleep,
Now and forever, I'll keep.

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined." This was quoted by Henry David Thoreau. I googled him; he's an American writer/poet. And he had given a very good advice. :) As an end note, I'm writing this to you: Dreams are necessary. They give us purpose here on earth. They help us feel alive. And the harder the way to reaching your dream, the greater the feeling you'll have when you achieve it. So, just keep dreaming! ;)