Thursday, November 24, 2011

Sixth Blog - Pressure

So, my sixth blog is about PRESSURE!!! Because I am currently under it. Why? Well, if you have read my previous blogs, then you know that I am aspiring to be a doctor... I dream big! ;) Anyway, to be a doctor, or to go to a medical school here in the Philippines, one has to take the NMAT (National Medical Admission Test) first. I think in the US, it is MCAT. I watched it in Grey's Anatomy. That is a great series by the way! :D 

So, this NMAT is a two part test, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. The first part consists of what I like to call the IQ test part: Verbal Proficiency, Inductive Reasoning, Quantitative and Perceptual Acuity. So verbal analogies, reading comprehension, math equations and the drawings you see on IQ tests are included. And the second part is purely academical. The four major sciences: Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Social Science. Sounds hard right? Well, it is! But it is easy to those who are natural geniuses and hardworking students who like to study. And I really have to study hard. Yup, that's my life for now. Study, study, study... This may seem like I am a plane old boring square. But don't judge me yet. I still got something that makes me interesting. :P

I am going to take the NMAT in December 4. It's just a few days away. That's why I'm under pressure. And I think this pressure is eating me alive!!! @-@ I can't think straight. I find it hard to sleep now. And I'm the  kind of person who loves sleeping! My friends even say that I'm like Sleeping Beauty. :P The song Under Pressure by the Queens is going on and on in my head. And I act crazy, well, more crazier than usual. xD Sometimes, when I think about this big test, I roll from side to side on my bed. I once tried it on the floor but I didn't like the feeling. The floor is hard and cold. The bed is more comfy! :)) 

As a psych major, I advised myself on this problem that I'm currently going into. And that advise: STOP WORRYING!!! All the worry will just make you an idiot! It made me one. But right now, I'm trying to be my superior self again by not letting myself be eaten by the pressure and worrying. This is one hard step. You can't just take all the worry with a snap of a finger. Or can you? Maybe, by hypnosis? LOL. But for ordinary people who couldn't afford therapy, I think the best way is to pray to what you believe in, either God, the universe or a someone you love. This helps. :) But don't take all the pressure away. Pressure helps, well, the right amount of pressure helps. Because with the right amount of pressure, you can go beyond your limit. Pressure is a double-edged sword: It can make you crazy or better. :)

"Pressure makes diamonds." - General George Patton

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