Sunday, August 28, 2011

Third Blog - Death and Life

So my third blog was inspired by the Korean TV series, 49 Days. It's a good show. If you want to have this moving feeling I'm having right now, watch it. ;)The story mainly involves death and life. And that's what I'm here to talk about. :) (Oh, and this will be quick because my sister, Mesha, will still use the laptop. xD)

 49 Days

Life: Enjoy life. There's plenty of time to be dead.
Among the many quotations about life, this one's my favorite. Maybe, because I can relate to this one. Going back to 49 Days, the protagonist lived a full life because she was able to give SINCERE love to her family and friends and in return she was SINCERELY loved back by those people. Isn't that beautiful? :) And that is the best way to enjoy life. Give love and be loved in return. It's the greatest thing you'll ever learn, according to the movie, Moulin Rouge. ("The greatest thing you'll ever learn is to love and be loved in return.") The protagonist knew that she was dying, so she gave all her best to show the people she loves what she truly feels for them. And in the end, she lived a full life.

When I was a child, I used to be a crybaby. The simplest thing could cause tears in my eyes. However, people who know me by now will find that hard to believe. Because right now, I am the cynical optimist. I am a Pollyanna. The person who always smiles. Sometimes, I even think if I am just delusional for believing that everything will turn out the way I want. But it never hurts to hope, right? :P Anyway, the point is, there was one point in my life when I just got tired of crying and being sad. So I just became happy. And now, I am a robot programmed to be happy all the time! :))

Death: You're not going away from home but you are going home.
This is my point of view when it comes to death. I think this is the best way to think about this very deeply grieving issue. But this doesn't mean that I'm not scared to die. Of course, I AM SCARED! I mean, there must be something wrong with me if I'm NOT, right? I still have many things I want to achieve so I'm not prepared to die yet. But having that point of view, lessens the fear of dying. When we die, we are not really leaving our home, we are just going back home to God where we truly belong. :D 

In addition to this, I have decided to be a donor. Consider this as one last generous act I do in life. :)
Go to this sight if you decided to be one as well: (note: for Filipinos only, hehe)

As an end note, I'll be leaving a quotation from 49 Days: "This today of yours is the precious tomorrow of someone who passed away yesterday." :)

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