Friday, June 17, 2011

First Blog - Assurance of a Dreamer

For my very first blog here in blogspot (or, I'm going to show you one of my talents. And that is *drum roll, please! :D* writing poems! I know it's not that impressive anymore. People all over the world can right verses which rhyme, if they try, right? But I hope you'll like it anyway. :) I just want this first blog to matter; you know, the kind that can  inspire others. Hmm, as a Psychology graduate, I have the moral obligation to care, to help and to change other people (but only the ones who are in need of changing, =>). That's why I'm doing this. That's my goal. Maybe, I can accomplish it. Who knows? I'll be ecstatic if I can help even one person! :D So here it goes:
Assurance of a Dreamer

Losing one thing I've treasured,
Wants me to be reassured,
That all bad things will be cured,
And that one thing is for sure.
I want myself to believe,
Things I want the most conceives.
The things I want to achieve,
Someday, somehow, I'll receive.
How much sadder it may get,
I just have to comprehend.
There are things which come to end,
But joy will surely transcend.
So even things lost in sleep,
Now and forever, I'll keep.

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined." This was quoted by Henry David Thoreau. I googled him; he's an American writer/poet. And he had given a very good advice. :) As an end note, I'm writing this to you: Dreams are necessary. They give us purpose here on earth. They help us feel alive. And the harder the way to reaching your dream, the greater the feeling you'll have when you achieve it. So, just keep dreaming! ;)

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