Monday, September 15, 2014

27th blog - Moving on...

When it comes to the matters of the heart, I'm no expert... But I have my fair share of heartaches - I suppose, when it comes to failures, disappointments or unmet expectations.

So, I'm writing about moving on because I WANT TO MOVE ON!

Have you ever liked someone (or something) but you know that liking that will not do you any good? For whatever reason there is, you can't stop yourself thinking or obsessing about that someone (or something) you like! You know very well that it's not good for you but you just CAN'T stop yourself. The heart wants what it wants, some would say... 

You know, it's been ages since I've decided on stopping about this confusing feeling. I'm annoyed at myself on how much  I can't seem to get it done. It's like this cycle that I cannot break. I'm so tired of having the same thoughts over and over and over and over again. I'm like a broken record that keeps on playing that annoying dull tone. WHEN WILL IT STOP??? I want to stop. I NEED TO STOP.

I don't like myself like this. I'm not like this. This is not me. I know better. Then why can't I let my logical practical brain win over what my heart's been wanting for ages? I'm not entirely sure of the reason of this confusing attraction. It's below my standards. Having this unreasonable attraction makes me feel like a fool. I think that my IQ has lowered by 20 points! 

Is this the fear talking? Yes, of course. I am scared. Scared at the consequences - which in my mind, are mostly not that good. That's why from the very point that I've admitted my attraction to myself, I immediately want to stop.

I know what's good for me and that's what I will do...

Sorry for the ramblings... I'm still not entirely sure on what to do about moving on... But I'm sure that I really want to move on... I just pray that if this confusing feeling I have is not God's will, then, I need Him to take it away...

"Sometimes, it's very hard to move on, but once you do, you'll realize that it's the best decision you ever made... - Anonymous"

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