Saturday, November 9, 2013

25th blog - Why do You Want to be a Doctor?

So, I've just finished watching the whole nine seasons of Scrubs. It's such a great show for people who are in the medical field, or to those who like medical-themed shows or simply to those who like the good laughter a sit-com brings. :)

I like this show very much because it shows how my life will probably turn out. There's this quote that J.D., the protagonist, has said in one of the episodes when they referred to another medical-themed show, Grey's Anatomy: 

"Ah, yes, I do love that show. It's like they just watch our lives and then put in on television..."

But unlike Grey's, Scrubs doesn't mainly focus on diseases and procedures, it focuses more on the relationships and emotions a doctor goes through in a more frivolous manner. (Though, Grey's Anatomy focus on that too. xD) And I'm the type of person who always bring comedy to life. That's why I instantly became addicted to this show. It's like a fun guide. :)

As I've watched and watched the seasons, I keep thinking how will they make this show even funnier, especially after season 8 (which, I think is the funniest). Then there it is, the ninth season: Scrubs: Med School. This show centers in the life of a medical student. And I'm a med student! Ha! I simply love this show. Do I have to say the obvious reasons why? :D

Moving on, there's this question that strikes to me from one of the episodes: 

"Why do you want to be a doctor?"

A lot of reasons has been cited in that episode, such as:

-make kind of catches that save lives
-give people a chance to live
-help people who can't help themselves
-inspired by a great doctor or a sick relative
-my parents made me
-fondness of scabs
-to make my family proud
-medicine gives second chances
-why the hell not?
-I look super cute in white

Some of the reasons are generic and some are funny. Entertaining. And then, it got me thinking: "Why did I want to be a doctor?" 

Hmm, the main reason why I want to be a doctor is that I'm an achiever. I have this need to accomplish challenging things. It's wired in my DNA. And helping others and the financial advantage of it are just bonuses. But I know I can't say that to the ones who will interview me when I'm applying to different med schools. 

"It's a childhood dream..." I can't say that. When I'm little, I've dreamed of becoming an astronaut. As much as possible, I don't want to lie.

"I want to help humanity..." Nope. Not really, haha! This is true. I don't have the dream of discovering the cure for cancer or solving a medical mystery. But I do like the nice feeling you get from helping someone. Although it's not enough. All people like that nice feeling, whether they admit it or not.

"It's my parents' decision." This is a lie. They're not really supportive at first. It's just because of my stubbornness that they've agreed. I can be pretty stubborn when I want something. :)) 

The decision of becoming a doctor comes from me. So I've done some soul-searching and constructed this:

"I'm always striving to be the best version of myself. The intellectual challenge medicine brings and it's nobility through saving other people's lives as a profession, I believe, are the ways for me to achieve the best version of myself."

What do you think of that? I think it's great! It's short, not dramatic and it's the truth. Lol! I didn't lie. I just put what I've felt into some nice words. And it has worked. :)

"I guess, it's because we all want to believe that what we do is very important. That people hang onto your every word. That they care what you think. The truth is, you should consider yourself lucky if it even occasionally get to make someone, anyone feel a little better." - J.D. , My Finale, Scrubs

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