Saturday, August 17, 2013

22nd blog - Boredom

It has come to my attention that I've been neglecting my blog. Thanks to a friend who's been greatly impressed by my writing prowess, haha! (Wait, I should stop before my narcissism takes over.) Anyway, so much has happened these past two - almost three months. 

There's so many things I like to write about: 
  • my life as a medical student (This is a dream come true. Like I've said, so much has happened. So many ups and downs... But I've been suppressing all my frustrations. So I'm afraid once I start talking about it, then, all my pent up feelings will explode and the rantings on this entry will be never ending, haha, so, I'll save that for another time)
  • how I've thought I know so much but it turns out I am very wrong (this realization is credited to my med buddies; they know things which I've never even heard of. WHY? It's like I've been living from another planet!)
  • my cat, ecchi (I've been wondering what has happened to him.  I've got this irrational thought that he's not cute anymore because all his fur has been shed. Imagine that! A bald cat! I'm hoping he's still my cute Persian cat.)
  • how sad book/movies (other people's experience) and onions make me cry
  • mental health and psychopaths (I miss psych!!!)

But what I really like to talk about is how much I miss being bored. I'm not the type who gets easily bored. Because I find delight even in the smallest things and I like being bored (some people find this weird, I don't). One of my principles in life: Embrace boredom. I believe that you'll miss that feeling when you come to the point when you are overwhelmed with the many things you should be doing. So, you might as well enjoy it while it lasts. And I'm right. 

I miss the times when I just lie down on my bed and stare at the ceiling, do nothing and think about nothing all day. And then, when night comes, I'll just go to sleep; and wake up the next day to simply stare at the ceiling again. HAHA! I think I just explained what it's like be catatonic (See, how much I miss psychology?). But you get my point, right? Do you know the feeling you get because you don't have anything to do. I long for that feeling right now...

However, I think I have to accept the fact that for the rest of my life, I'll never get bored again (unless, maybe, when I'm stuck in a traffic jam? haha). Being busy in medicine is constant. You are often sleep-deprived because you have to maximize your time with the responsibilities you have to do. Sleeping for more than 4 hours (3 hours?) in medicine is a major sin. And you know, a free time is a luxury. And that free time is reserved for sleeping (other med students can relate at this statement). So, when can I find the time to be bored? I'm not sure. Maybe, during sem break or Christmas break or during summer. Or maybe, I'll never get to experience that feeling again. But I'm hoping... I still believe that I'll be bored again! lol

"Doing anything when you're bored is very very boring. Anyway, doing nothing is the point of being bored. The pleasure of being bored is mooning about and doing nothing." - Aidan Chambers, This is All

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