Saturday, February 9, 2013

20th blog - What should we seek in prayer?

Wow. Time really flies fast when you're enjoying life. But in my case, time has flown fast because I've been very busy. But I don't want to talk about that. It will look like that I'm complaining - which I'm not. I like how very busy I am. It seems like I have a purpose. :)

Anyway, I just came from church this morning. And the message of the pastor has somewhat made an impact. It's about prayer. Hmm, it doesn't really focus on the right way of praying. But it focuses on the question "Why are you praying?" 

 Is it because we want to be closer to God? Or we just want an answered prayer? The truth is most people pray because they need something. I for one is guilty for that. Especially, during these busy times, my prayer is full of requests. And this should not be the case. Hmm, wait, I'm not saying that we shouldn't pray all our requests and needs. Even though, God knows every little thing about us, He loves it when we talk about every little details of our life to Him. But prayer shouldn't be about "me" all the time. It should be about "me and God". Prayer is a conversation - not some place where you can call and have your requests delivered.

In answer to my first question, the pastor says that: the ultimate goal of praying is seeking God for the sole purpose of wanting to be connected to Him. :)

"Prayer is not asking. It is a longing of the soul. It is daily admission of one's weakness. It is better in prayer to have a hear without words than words without a heart." - Mahatma Gandhi

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