Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Eight Blog - Question again

For this blog, I originally planned to talk about The Beatles, but then something happened... not to me but to my two other friends... I always find myself in the middle when it comes to (hmm, what's the right word for this?) misunderstandings among other people. I'm like the peace maker or something. And it's a hard thing to do. You don't know what to do. And your afraid that something you say will be wrong; that it might hurt the feelings of the one side, or other side or worse both sides. But I guess, it's much better than being in the shoes of those people who misunderstood, hehe, so I should stop complaining, right? :)) Anyway, I won't bore you with the details of their misunderstanding. And I'm not the right person to tell anyways. I just hope that they straighten out their misunderstanding. And I hope that you'll hope with me? Wow, what kind of sentence was that? I'm not sure if that is grammatically correct. LOL

Anyhow, here's the question: "Friendship like everything else are not immune to change. The question is... How do you keep a question together when you're lives are pulling you apart?

I'm still not sure what's the right answer here, but then again, I think there's no right answer for this kind of question right? The answer would depend on the situation, right? :)

"When life pulls you apart, you have to work to stay close together. By putting yourself in each other's shoes, by reminding each other of who you were and who you are becoming. By remembering that despite all the changes that come, there are some other things that will always remain the same." - Being Erica

P.S. I promise I'll talk about The Beatles next time. ;)