Monday, March 25, 2013

21st blog - Chihayafuru

I have to admit that I didn't want to watch this anime in the first place. My sister just kept on bugging me to watch this show. She says that there are cute characters here - so I decided to give it a chance. :)) And I'm glad I did. Now, I'm hooked! I'm even more psyched than my sister. I can't believe that I'd fall in love with a show about people swishing their hands like ninjas while playing cards with Japanese poems written on it. 

I want to play karuta too!

Currently, the anime is at it's second season, but I still don't know how to play the game, lol! I have the idea of how to play it but I get confused by the mechanism. It's a really hard game to play. You get amazed by the skills when you see people playing karuta - the memorization it takes, plus the concentration. Smart people have the advantage. (I have an inkling that I will be great in this game because I'm pretty confident with my level of intelligence, lol! I don't mean to sound conceited. XD) Oh, you'll get amazed by the swishing of hands they do and the way the poems are being read. It's entertaining. :)  As fun as it sounds, I will never get the chance to play. The main reason: I don't understand Japanese! I'll just accept the fact that I'm not ever going to play this exciting (once you get to know it really well) intellectual game. That's a bummer.

Now, let's go the plot...

Hmm, basically it's about a girl who wants to be the best in karuta. It's a story about reaching one's dream. That's one of the reasons I like Chihayafuru. She's not the typical shoujo protagonist you read in a manga or watch in an anime. Despite of her good-looks, she's a bit one dimensional because she's a karuta freak. All she ever thinks about is karuta. And everything she does is for karuta. Before she's introduced to karuta, she's not particularly good at anything. She's also a little weird. But I like her. She's driven and passionate. Oh, her name's Chihaya.

Another character is Taichi. He's one of Chihaya's love interest. It is clearly stated that he likes Chihaya ever since they are little. Because of Chihaya's personality, she's a bit dense. He's the type that everyone roots for. A smart and athletic type of guy, but I don't want him to end up with Chihaya. And he's the guy who is always there beside her - waiting for her to recognize his feelings. Even if it is pitiable to see him sad and jealous whenever the other guy is making Chihaya happy, there's not a part of me that wishes he will end up with her. I hope that Chihaya won't ever look at him in a romantic way (sorry Taichi fans!). I wish that it's his consolation that he's gotten more time to spend with Chihaya. I really don't want them to end up together.

The main reason is: ARATA!!! I want Chihaya to end up with the person who has made her today. He's influenced Chihaya (and Taichi) despite his small appearances. You know, I even  considered stopping watching this show because Arata is always MIA. :)) But I'm glad I stuck around! Because those precious little ChihayaXArata moments, makes me go Aaaaaaaaaah! (And I barely do that! I'm not that kind of person.) You don't get to see him all the time, that's what makes him special. Oh, Arata's born to do karuta. It's in his blood. He's grandpa's a master (that's what you call the best karuta player). And he's like a prodigy. Both Chihaya and Taichi look up to his talent.

But Chihayafuru is not really a love story. Like I've said, it's a story about reaching one's dream - and friendship. These three really care for each other. 

Chihaya is not only the weird one here. More weird characters will appear as the story progresses. The greater they are at karuta, the weirder they are! :)) It's a fun show. I recommend it.

"Love is when it isn't fun to be with that person... yet you still want to be with her." Taichi Mashima