Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Seventh Blog - The Secret

I've chosen between two topics for this month's blog, The Secret or The Beatles. But obviously I decided to go with one of the important keys to a great life. Maybe I'll talk about The Beatles next month.. :)

So The Secret? hmm... Have you heard about Rhonda Byrne? She wrote about The Secret. It's a self-help/inspirational book. It was a film first though. The Secret talks about a certain kind of a lifestyle where  this lifestyle helps you get whatever you want in life. It may sound crazy but I myself have used this secret. So, the logic here is that I may appear crazy?! and you probably wouldn't believe me. :)) But seriously, THE SECRET WORKS!!! ;)

This secret is the Law of Attraction. Basically, you get what you want by VISUALIZING in your mind what you really really want. You align your thoughts with your emotions (by aligning, they should be the in the same frequency or category, if you were thinking of a happy thought, then you should feel happiness) and then, God or the universe (whichever you like to believe) will conspire to make what's in your mind come true. Magical, isn't it? :) So the key here is to really think hard of what you really want. To not let yourself waver and simply have faith and just believe. Do you get what I'm saying? If not, then buy the book or watch the film. LOL, you'll understand it better that way. :P

If you can't buy copy, there's always a free copy in the internet. Here's a link of The Secret. And to avoid copyright infringement, I do not own this copy. :)

And right now, I am visualizing in my mind that I'm a doctor. A great one at that. :D I just took the admission test for a medical degree and my chances are 50-50. In some parts like mathematics, verbal proficiency and social science, I'm sure of my answers. But the other parts like physics and chemistry, I don't know. And I badly want a high percentile to get in a prominent medical school and have a scholarship. I cannot emphasize enough how much I need one. My mother is not that really supportive in my dream of becoming a doctor because of a slight financial problem. I just beat her with my stubbornness, that's why she agreed to try. See there? That's the work of the secret! xD

I have this fear inside me that I'm trying to shove away but that is impossible. So, what I do is have the right set of attitude in life. I use the secret. You'll see, I'm going to be a great doctor. I promise you! So why don't you try it. It never hurts to try, right? :) Well, that's not entirely true. If you try something like drugs or alcohol, you might get addicted and it could lead to some serious troubles. :)) But The Secret is an entirely different matter, so you get what I'm trying to say, right? So just believe! :)

"Once you begin to understand and truly master your thoughts and feelings, that's when you see how you create your own reality. That's where your freedom is, that's where your power is." - Marci Shimoff